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【有声书 | 师父讲心理学】8、心理学上的直观反映 【中英双字】

发表于 2020-5-3 10:55:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【师父讲心理学】8、心理学上的直观反映 【有声书】中英双字





在心理学上,人的很多意识都被认为是不自然的非直观,因为生活中这些直观的科学,显然已被现代人所认识和理解,但是大多数人对这种直观的意念总认为是真实的感受而去接受。实际上任何直观和难以理解的事物都是由微小粒子组成的,成为大脑中的微细直观,因为通过直观,人本身具有的能量就会通过自身的生理反映过程和精神感应联系在一起,但心理学认为,正常的心理 对这些直观的印象并非是生理和思维感应的关系,而是精神思维产生的一种抽象感觉。

当一个人对人间事物进行直观分析和理解时,因为人的大脑会处理各种不同种类的信息,如果这些信息原本不属于你意念中的藏识,通常你不能认为自己的直观是对的,而只是一种从意义上的理解;当一种事物感观存在于你思维意念中,再一次信息储存碰撞,无疑会让你感受到这种意识直观的能量所产生出的一种认知,你必然认为你所在意识中的直观是正确的,所以从心理学角度 来讲,人们的思维其实没有什么特别之处,只是因为你从一种直观意识,认为看到的是一种自然的显现,其实这种过去不自然的潜意识早已存在于你的思维当中,你会在以后的一些特定环境中, 再一次对它原有的思维产生心理和储存思维碰撞,然后就会在你的思维中产生—种断言式的表达,就是相信它的存在和认清它的存在。

因为一些不知不觉的“常识”犹如我们平时生活当中的电流和细菌一样,潜移默化的存在于你的身体和意识当中,所以你就很难直接评估这种断言式资讯的真伪。然而这些断言式事件的真伪也有一定缺陷,就犹如很多人对某个事情的看法,有他们固定的理论基础,有他们特定的现实意义,但其实这些论断在一些有自闭思维人的头脑中,只是自以为是一种正确的推断,致使他们用压抑 的记忆来推断某件事对它所产生的结论。 所以我们要懂得一个人对信息的来源和人本身已存的断言式的信息,以及真正对这些信息理解的重要性,其实认识非直观,就是要在思维当中产生意念分工法,要有足够的资源去将自己得到的不自然和非直观认识加以重新评估。

In psychology, many kinds of human consciousness are seen as unnatural and unintuitive. Because of this, intuitive sciences have already been recognised and understood by modern people. However, most people regard these intuitive thoughts as true feelings and accept them. In reality, everything that is intuitive and hard to comprehend is made up of tiny particles which then form fine perceptions in the brain. Through direct perception, a person's innate capabilities will be connected by the body's own physical and mental response. However, psychology holds the view that the intuitive impression of a normal mindset is not part of the relation between physical and cognitive response. Instead, it is an abstract sense created by the mind.

When a person analyses or tries to understandan object or event intuitively, the brain is managing a variety of information. If this information does not belong to your storehouse-consciousness, you will tend to not believe that your intuition is correct. You will only understand it from its meaning. When a perception exists in your consciousness and collides with the stored information, you will undoubtedly feel the energy of intuition that gives rise to a kind of cognition. You will then believe your intuition is correct. Hence, from a psychological point of view, there is nothing special about the human mind. It is simply a kind of intuition that makes you believe that what you see is a natural occurrence. However, these past and unnatural sub-consciousnesses have long been stored in your mind. So when, under specific conditions, you feel a psychological collision between the original perspectives and your stored perspectives, it leads you to develop an asserted impression in your mind. In other words, you believe and recognise that it exists.

As some “common knowledge” exists in your body and consciousness without our knowing it, just like electricity and germs exist in our lives, it is very hard for you to directly evaluate the veracity of asserted information. However, there are some flaws to the authenticity of an asserted event. Just as how different people view a specific event differently, some views are grounded in a fixed theoretical basis. Such views have their own specific practical meaning to them. However, to the people who have a closed mindset, such views are simply a kind of presumption that they believe to be correct. This will lead to a kind of evolution of assertiveness, meaning they use their suppressed memories to make inferences about the event.

Hence, we need to understand the importance of a person's source of information, their pre-existing asserted information, and how they truthfully comprehend this information. To recognise the unintuitive is to divide cognitive labour. One needs to have sufficient resources to re-evaluate the information they acquire, whether unnatural or unintuitive.

卢军宏太平绅士,现任世界心理健康联盟董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒弘扬佛法慈善机构董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒报业广播电视集团董事长,是澳大利亚高级心理辅导师,拥有澳洲心理学高级文凭,并荣誉担任意大利锡耶纳大学荣誉客座教授、受聘著名国际佛教大学荣誉教授、英国西苏格兰大学佛学与哲学讲师,具有 25 年心理辅导经验,宣讲心理学与佛学理论至世界125个国家与地区,拥有一千万佛学与心理学的学习者与追随者。


Professor Richard Lu JP currently serves as the Chairman of Mental Health International, Australia Oriental Buddhist Charity Association and the Australia Oriental Media Group. He is a senior counsellor, holding an Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Psychology (Australia). 

Professor Lu has also been appointed as an Honorary Visiting Professor by the prestigious University of Siena, Italy; Honorary Professor by an international Buddhist university; and Lecturer in the area of Buddhism and Philosophy at the University of the West of Scotland, UK. With 25 years of experience in counselling, Professor Lu has given lectures in psychology and Buddhist theory in 125 countries and regions. 

Currently, there are 10 million people studying and following his psychological and Buddhist practices.

This book is a compilation of Professor Lu’s psychological research over the years. Professor Lu has abundant experience from many years of applying and practising psychology. His unique insight also provides positive and innovative solutions to mental health issues facing people today, adding lustre to the development of modern psychology.

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