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2.4 Guan Di Bodhisattva, Zhou Tsang Bodhisattva and Guan Ping Bodhisattva

发表于 2021-9-7 13:49:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Setting Up an Altar

Guan Di Bodhisattva expels evil

Excerpt from Wenda20120715A 13:12
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

All Bodhisattvas will save sentient beings that have an affinity with them. Guan Di Bodhisattva is responsible for expelling evil. For example, when one is occupied by evil thoughts or has a demon entering their home, Guan Di Bodhisattva can help to expel them. Some people mistake him for the Bodhisattva of Wealth. However, once the evil is expelled, your home will be filled with positive energy, then you will experience good fortune. In a sense, this brings you good fortune, including wealth. That’s why it’s beneficial to pray to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas regardless.

Guan Di Bodhisattva, Zhou Tsang Bodhisattva and Guan Ping Bodhisattva

Excerpt from Wenda20120212 21:39
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Master, could you please introduce us to the three Guan Di Bodhisattvas on the altar?

Master Lu:
Not all of them are Guan Di Bodhisattva. The one next to Guan Di Bodhisattva is Zhou Tsang Bodhisattva who used to be the assistant to Guan Di Bodhisattva. The other one is Guan Ping Bodhisattva, the son of Guan Di Bodhisattva.

I understand. Can we take a photo and pray to them on the altar?

Master Lu:
Yes. This is a set. It is recommended to pray to the three of them together.

What are the responsibilities of Guan Di Bodhisattva, Guan Ping Bodhisattva and Zhou Tsang Bodhisattva?

Excerpt from Wenda20160522B 24:44
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Master, we pray to Guan Di Bodhisattva, Zhou Tsang Bodhisattva and Guan Ping Bodhisattva. How are their duties distributed?

Master Lu:
You can tell from their faces. Guan Ping Bodhisattva is in charge of notetaking, which is a civil matter; Zhou Tsang Bodhisattva, on the other hand, deals with military matters as he needs to expel the demons.

When we are faced with obstacles in the course of our spiritual practice, would our prayers be more effective if we seek help from these Bodhisattvas?

Master Lu:
They are all the same. Pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva and she also answers our prayers. If you pray to these Bodhisattvas, your prayer may be directed at a specific person. There’s no need to create karmic knots with the spirits. If you pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva, she will resolve the conflicts for you; but if you pray to the Dharma Protectors, they will expel the demon which might create karmic knots between you and the spirit.

There was a woman who hated her husband very much. She said, “Guan Di Bodhisattva please punish my husband. He is too evil.” Later on, her husband had a car accident and she needed to take care of him at home.

In that case, we should cultivate our compassion and pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for a more peaceful solution, right?

Master Lu:
Yes. We are learning from Guan Yin Bodhisattva. We should be compassionate and try to resolve conflicts. Regarding the example I raised just then, you might ask, why did Guan Di Bodhisattva punish the husband so quickly after the wife made the prayer? It is because the husband was, indeed, ferocious and deserved to be punished. But on the other hand, even if it was time for him to receive punishment, the wife had a choice. She could’ve educated him but the wife chose to punish him instead, so the husband was punished. It would have been better if she chose to educate him.

When I was upset in the past, I told Guan Di Bodhisattva. It seems that I shouldn’t have done this.

Master Lu:
The wife asked for punishment of her husband. In the end, he broke his leg and she needed to take care of him. Who ended up suffering? The wife did.

Guan Di Bodhisattva, also known as Qie Lan Bodhisattva, protects the Right Dharma with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Excerpt from Wenda20151004A 22:01
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Master Lu:
Take a look at Guan Di Bodhisattva, you feel as though he is protecting you. Of course you will be pleased; if you feel scared after seeing Guan Di Bodhisattva, it probably means your body is occupied by spirits.

Yes, I’m particularly inspired by the righteousness of Guan Di Bodhisattva.

Master Lu:
Yes, he is the embodiment of righteousness and loyalty in Heaven and the Underworld. No evil thought can ever occupy his mind. He’s very pure and upright.

In the human world, there used to be a much-praised official named Justice Bao in ancient China. He was well known for his extreme honesty and uprightness.

Master Lu:
Yes, they are alike. In each era, a lot of Dharma Protectors are sent down from Heaven to guard the emperors, but not all of them were good emperors. You can name a few emperors in the past. Some emperors enforced justice on behalf of Heaven, whereas some only indulged themselves in worldly desires without ruling their countries well. Soon after, the Dharma Protectors all left him, and the country was ruined. So it depends, the Bodhisattvas will not keep helping you. Even if you came from Heaven but have done something bad, the Bodhisattvas won’t be able to help you.

Master Lu’s discourse on Guan Di Bodhisattva’s birthday

Excerpt from Wenda20150628A 00:46
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

It’s important that we uphold reverence in our mind on Bodhisattva’s birthdays. We should have deep respect for Bodhisattvas. We should also learn from Bodhisattvas. What types of qualities should we learn from Bodhisattvas? Compassion and righteousness. We should learn righteousness from Guan Di Bodhisattva. He always does the right thing and acts in the right way. We call him an “exemplary man of righteousness”. Once you uphold righteousness, you will become a noble person, like Bodhisattvas, the image of Dharma Protectors…Think about this, a lot of people nowadays are doing bad deeds and we need someone to enforce justice. A Dharma convention needs Dharma Protectors, and a Dharma Door also needs Dharma Protectors. Right? Dharma Protectors are needed in all these circumstances. These Bodhisattvas are all great Dharma Protectors and they have attained certain spiritual attainments in Heaven. Therefore, they can come to the Human Realm to help us. Guan Di Bodhisattva was also present in our recent Dharma convention. He is a Dharma Protector and we extend our gratitude towards him. On major Buddhist events, including the birthdays of Dharma Protectors, we should be grateful for their help in upholding the Buddha-dharma for us. We should pray to Guan Di Bodhisattva to protect Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door so that we can propagate Buddhism to more sentient beings that have affinity with Buddhism. We simply just need to make a prayer. Do you understand? If you have already prayed to Guan Di Bodhisattva at home, you can offer more incense. Otherwise, simply say your prayer.

Guan Di Bodhisattva helps sentient beings based on the rules of Heaven

Excerpt from Wenda20160124A 33:43
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Let’s say we have prayed to Guan Di Bodhisattva at home, and we pray to him for help after being bullied by others. If we have affinity with Guan Di Bodhisattva, will he punish the bully? If they are punished, will we have created negative karma?

Master Lu:
No. Guan Di Bodhisattva is a Bodhisattva. He will only do what’s appropriate. Even if he may have affinity with you, he will never do anything against the rules of Heaven. If he decides to help you, there must be a reason. Do you understand?

Yes, thank you Master.

Loyalty, Filial Piety, Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom, Trust

Guan Di Bodhisattva is a great Dharma Protector that expels evil. Once the evil demon is expelled, your home will be filled with positive energy. Thus, good fortune will come.



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