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How GYCDD Helps My Daughter to Quit Her Severe Gaming Addiction

发表于 2021-9-7 14:48:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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My gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva Mahasattva!

My gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from ten directions and three periods of time and Dharma Protectors!

My gratitude to Master Lu!

I used to have a happy family and live a comfortable life. My daughter is smart and well-behaved. In mid 2008, my family migrated to Canada and we settled down in Vancouver. At the same time, my daughter was accepted by her favourite Vancouver Film School, and she majored in animation.

After she graduated, she joined a big gaming company in game testing work. Since she was a child, my daughter liked to play video games. She gradually took to the games to fill her entire pastime. We didn’t really care in the beginning, but slowly we found that things were not as simple as we thought. Every night, she would play these games with her contemporaries in different countries until 2 to 3 am. She would then wake up early the next morning to work and study. Often, she had no time for breakfast. After returning home from work, she would just turned on the computer and continued to play. Her weight dropped from 60kg to around 40kg. It pained us to see our daughter so obsessed with online video games which made her unable to differentiate between night and day, and completely disrupted her life and work routine.

After realising the situation was getting very serious, my husband and I talked to her many times and advised her to give up these online games and change her terrible state of life. However, my daughter was already obsessed to the level of being addicted to the online games.  Although she verbally promised that she would quit but she could no longer control herself. On a more serious note, my husband discovered that she had used up almost all of her salary to purchase gaming equipment.

Faced with the depth of the trap our daughter had already fallen into, we were at a loss and felt overwhelmed. We began to search the internet for effective ways to help our daughter. Aside from psychological counselling and changing one’s hobbies and interests,  there seemed no better available suggestions. At that time, she refused to listen to any advice from her parents, friends and relatives, and could not find any other entertainment and hobbies which can replace the attraction of online games. Is there no hope for my daughter? Will my perfect family that had always been the envy of many, end just like this?

Just when we were feeling extremely nervous and anxious and there was nothing we could do, I attended Master Lu’s Vancouver Dharma talk in September 2014, where I was deeply attracted by Master Lu’s teachings and totem reading. I saw hope for my daughter. When I went to the practice centre for the first time, the encouragement and sharing of experience from fellow Buddhist practitioners further strengthened my determination to practise Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door in order to save my daughter’s internet addiction which cannot be solved medically. So, I was knelt before Guan Yin Bodhisattva and prayed for Bodhisattva to help me save my daughter. At the same time, I made a vow to recite the Heart Sutra and Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots for my daughter every day. I also vowed that I would offer 800 Little Houses and perform life liberation for her every month.

In May 2015, I asked my daughter to take leave from work and joined me in attending Master Lu’s Dharma Talk in Los Angeles and New York. When she returned to work, she found that she had been dismissed by her company. Upon hearing the news, my family did not understand why the situation did not improve after my daughter attended the dharma talks but she’d lost her job instead. They got worried that she would now find more time to play games since she’d lost her job. Even though I don’t understand it myself, but I still believed what Master Lu had mentioned, “Everything is the best arrangement.” I firmly believed that Guan Yin Bodhisattva will help my daughter. So, I took my daughter to attend many other Dharma talks by Master Lu.

After offering over 400 Little Houses for my daughter, I found that she started to change gradually. She started to perform recitation of sutras and mantras.

Upon offering over 600 Little Houses, she suddenly said to me one day: “Mom, I would like to make a trip to Japan. I’ve decided to stop playing online games when I return, because I find it truly meaningless.” At this time, I suddenly realised that Guan Yin Bodhisattva had used Her great wisdom, which we mortals do not possess, to help cure my daughter from the root cause and that is to cut off my daughter’s economic source. My daughter is an intelligent girl. Since young, she would do whatever she could to excel and achieve her goals. After she lost her job and gradually ran out of savings in her bank account, she had no funds to buy any gaming equipment. Without these equipment, she wasn’t able to win the games. So naturally, she wanted to withdraw from the gaming group. That was the reason why she lost her job after returning from New York. I knelt before the portrait of Guan Yin Bodhisattva and my whole face was covered with tears. No words can express my gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva saved my daughter and our family.

After more than two years of repeated efforts, my daughter finally quit playing online games. She is now persistently performing her daily recitation and Little House every day. Her physical and psychological health have completely recovered. She has also successfully found a new job which she likes!

From my experiences over the past three years, I have realised that during the course of our spiritual cultivation, no matter if we encounter favourable or adverse situations and the outcome we receive from our prayers, we should not look at it from the point of view of a mortal person. We must hold a strong faith, have the conviction and an everlasting patience. We must firmly belief that Guan Yin Bodhisattva will grant us the best arrangement.

I hope that my testimony can help those children and parents with similar experiences. I hope that my experience could inspire more people to have faith in Buddhism, to believe the efficacy of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, to begin performing recitation of scriptures and practise the cultivation of mind and conduct. The application of the three golden practices will help change their destiny and their life.

My gratitude again to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva Mahasattva!

My gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from ten directions and three periods of time and Dharma protectors!

My gratitude to Master Lu!

I seek forgiveness from Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors if there are any inappropriate remarks in my testimony.

Thank you everyone.



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