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Eng Audiovisual BPT1-2.5-8白话FF 1-2 第5至8段 [Official Transcript]后附笔记美图

发表于 2021-10-21 18:39:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

 Words of wisdom in English  

video of Words of Wisdom in English

Eng Audiovisual Book [Journey to Heaven & Hell]

单词汇总 Glossary

行为的规范   discipline of one’s own actions

言语的禁忌   regulation of one’s own speech

意识品行的提高   elevating one’s morality


gradually loses motivation in one’s spiritual practice


A teacher can only lead you through the door 

– it is up to you if you are to walk through it 

and succeed in your spiritual practice.

因果   the law of cause and effect

缘分   karmic affinity

不起恶缘    refrain from generating negative karma

积功德   the accumulation of merits and virtues

做善事   perform benevolent deeds

持善念   hold on to benevolent thoughts

说好话   speak kind words

buddhism in plain terms

What does cultivation really mean?

Cultivation is about changing our own behaviour. The objective is to attain the highest level of realisation, or in other words to become fully enlightened. There are three aspects of cultivation: Discipline of one’s own actions, regulation of one’s own speech and elevating one’s morality. In fact, once we understand that negative karma is a major force that binds us in the mundane world’s web, and that karmic obstacles stem from our “conduct, speech and thought”, it is then easy to understand that the objective of these three aspects of cultivation is to prevent us from creating new negative karma. Discipline of one’s own actions restrains us from creating karma of misconduct, while regulation of speech is to restrain us from creating karma of unwholesome speech. The elevation of consciousness and morality is to guard us against conceiving of any bad intentions, thereby reducing the chances of creating karma of unwholesome thoughts.  



Our understanding of this principle serves as a benchmark for us to correct our unwholesome behaviour. In doing so, we reduce our karmic obstacles and cease to weave another new web of karmic relationships. However, applying this principle, and the extent to which it can be applied in our lives, will depend on each individual’s level of understanding. For example, your superior may have increased your workload so much so that you are totally occupied, working overtime frequently, while others receiving the very same salary had less work to do. Under such circumstances, you may be able to endure it, refraining from doing anything improper on a surface level, but deep down, are you not truly angry? Why is it so important not to get angry? If you don’t show any anger in this situation, will you be called a coward? What is the right way of thinking? 


This is all up to us to discover and comprehend. With each question answered, our spiritual state will go one step higher. Different levels of comprehension will give rise to different levels of spirituality. Failure to comprehend will lead you to, for example, comparing your workload with that of others, leading gradually to the harbouring of indignation at the thought of being treated unfairly. This is when you have unwittingly developed negative karma, thinking you are the one who has been victimised. This is how one gradually loses motivation in their spiritual practice. However, as a matter of fact, any effort will pay off eventually. It is often said: “A teacher can only lead you through the door – it is up to you if you are to walk through it and succeed in your spiritual practice.” It is precisely because every individual is different that the problems we individually face are also different. Therefore, it is not possible for the Master to lay out for you all of the answers that require your comprehension. Fortunately, while the approaches may vary, the fundamental guiding principles to abide by remain unchanged. These guiding principles are: Applying the law of cause and effect and karmic affinity to understand the life; adopting the Buddhist practice that the Master expounds to solve problems in your daily life, and; treating the doing of meritorious deeds and the refraining from generating negative karma as guidelines to self-discipline.


In the discussion of the three aspects of cultivation, there is no mention of the accumulation of merits and virtues. But why are merits and virtues regarded as the consequence of our cultivation? It’s because the direct results of the three aspects of cultivation are the performing of benevolent deeds, holding on to benevolent thoughts, and speaking kind words – which are all merits and virtues.




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