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Eng Audiovisual BPT1-2.9-11白话FF 1-2 第9至11段 [Official Transcript]后附笔记美图

发表于 2021-10-26 07:13:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

 Words of wisdom in English  

video of Words of Wisdom in English

Eng Audiovisual Book [Journey to Heaven & Hell]

单词汇总 Glossary

消业障         eliminate karmic obstacles

修今世法     attain enlightenment in the present life

魔由心生      Evil stems from the heart

提升境界      elevate our level of spirituality

万法归一      Innumerable dharmas return to one.


The Buddha’s mind is the mind of all sentient beings


the Bodhisattva’s is one that possess compassion


the Four Limitless Qualities of loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity.


the “three poisons” of greed, hatred and delusion


eradicating attachment to the self and attachment to others

心净心定的境界  achieve spiritual purity


understanding our minds and seeing our true nature

良心         conscience

善心         kindness

慈悲心      compassion

buddhism in plain terms

What does “cultivating our minds” mean?

On our journey of spiritual cultivation, cultivation of the mind is a topic we will inevitably face at one point or another. Beginners, or those yet to experience any spiritual response from their practice, may start by focusing on eliminating karmic obstacles and performing meritorious deeds. That is because when heavy karmic obstacles and karmic debts are still weighing down on your body, and uncleansed defilements on your mind remain, cultivating the mind is out of the question at this juncture. Once our karmic obstacles are reduced to a certain level, the time will naturally come for us to gradually cultivate the mind. This is the feature of Buddhist practice that the Master imparts to you, focusing on attaining enlightenment in the present life – as opposed to other practices that focus on attaining enlightenment in the next life. Evil stems from the heart. In fact, our inner demons and our karmic obstacles are inextricably linked. Once we have the opportunity to repay our karmic debts before cultivating our minds, we are then all geared up for an easy road to spiritual practice. So when it comes to cultivating the mind, Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is more effective at clearing the hindrances of our minds, giving us the upper-hand in subduing our inner demons, elevating our level of spirituality and achieving the desired results.



From these three aspects of cultivation, it becomes clear that changing our behaviour and cultivating our minds are closely linked. To correct ourselves, we must first identify what kinds of deviated behaviour we have committed. This process of “awakening” is the process of cultivating the mind. By constantly reflecting on our conduct and our minds, we will be able to progressively make improvements. There is no definite rule about how to cultivate the mind, nor is it possible to outline a standard procedure. The reason for that is because the karmic force affecting each individual varies, as the obstacles they face and the paths of cultivation they choose can be strikingly different. Nevertheless, as the saying goes: “Innumerable dharmas return to one.” No matter how drastically different our paths of cultivation may be, there is only one final aim – to attain the state of mind of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva. The Buddha’s mind is the mind of all sentient beings, while the Bodhisattva’s is one that possess compassion. Hence, we need to reflect on our minds, comparing them to those of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva. Only then will we be able to discover what we should correct within our minds, and how we should go about changing our behaviour.


Buddha’s mind is selflessly focused upon the suffering of sentient beings, while the Bodhisattva’s mind revolves around the Four Limitless Qualities of loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity. Each of these are very high levels of spirituality, and therefore serve as the benchmark and ultimate goal of our journey of cultivation and self-correction. The starting point for cultivating the mind lies in the correction of our minds, and reaching a level where the mind is pure and settled. What this means is that we must be practical in identifying our flaws, eliminating the “three poisons” of greed, hatred and delusion, and eradicating attachment to the self and attachment to others. Only once our minds are settled and wholeheartedly dedicated to cultivation can we achieve spiritual purity by gradually understanding our minds and seeing our true nature. We will then be able to see our innate Buddha-nature, including our conscience and our kindness, which will in turn thrive and develop into compassion.





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