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[Totem Enquiry] ask about business and health - 2011 Malaysia 08

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 More Totem Enquiry Cases

Totem Enquiry

The following case is extracted from “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics” Grand Dharma Function in Malaysia on 28 August 2011. Master Lu performed Totem Enquiries live on stage and answered questions from the audience to help them overcome difficulties in their health, career, and everyday issues.

When a person is asking Master Lu to perform Totem Enquiry, if a living person is being enquired, then the year of birth and the Chinese zodiac sign of that person should be stated. If a deceased person is being enquired, then the full name of the deceased and the exact written characters of the name should be stated.


Enquirer: Hi, Master Lu.

Master Lu: Hi.

Enquirer: I was born in 1966, year of the Horse.

Master Lu: 1966, year of the Horse. What would you like to ask? Tell me.

Enquirer: I want to ask about my business.

Master Lu: Your business, right? Let me tell you, in the past few years, your business was quite good. Now it’s declining because the Horse is now walking down the hill. Right? Your business is not as good as before. Do you understand?

Enquirer: I understand.

Master Lu: They all say “I understand”. Let me tell you, you’re a very nice person, but you’re too straight forward and what you say often offends others. Do you understand? I said so because I see this Horse walking with its head down. In other words, you don’t care about others. You just want to walk straight ahead. So because of this, you have lost a lot of business. You need to slow down. Sometimes you need to look to your left, and look to your right. In other words, you need be clear about your direction before you start your business. Do you understand?

Enquirer: I understand.

Master Lu: You would like your business to improve. Would you like me to teach you a sutra that you can recite?

Enquirer: Yes, please.

Master Lu: You need to include the Cundi Dharani (Chun Ti Shen Chou) in your Daily Recitation. Recitation of the Cundi Dharani (Chun Ti Shen Chou) can help you to have your wishes come true. It would be best to recite it 49 times per day. But you need to recite the Great Compassion Mantra as the foundation for the Cundi Dharani (Chun Ti Shen Chou), otherwise your recitation for the Cundi Dharani (Chun Ti Shen Chou) won’t be as effective. If you are able to recite the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) 3 or 7 times, then your recitation of the Cundi Dharani (Chun Ti Shen Chou) would be efficacious. Do you understand?

Enquirer: I understand.

Master Lu: Okay.

Enquirer: Also I would like to ask, I purchased an express delivery company, and I want to improve production. I would like you to have a look and see if it is suitable for me to make this purchase.

Master Lu: Oh! He purchased an express delivery company as a business. He purchased a business to do express delivery, and would like me to see if it’s suitable. Ah-ya, today I have no choice but to perform Totem Enquiry for him. Ah-ya, in the past, in my radio programs, for people who do not believe in Buddhism or perform recitations, I wouldn’t perform Totem Enquiry for them. But I will for today. Okay. Let me tell you. So I can tell you that, the express delivery company that you mentioned, you will definitely purchase it.

Enquirer: I have already purchased it.

Master Lu: See? What I said, isn’t it accurate? I said that he would definitely purchase it. And he said, “I have already purchased it.” Just now I was going to say, you have already paid the deposit. Now can you see? He said he has purchased it. Have you paid the deposit? In other words, you haven’t completed the purchase.

Enquirer: Already paid the deposit, so it counts as a purchase made.

Master Lu: See? Alright, you have made the purchase already. Okay? Work hard. It would be alright for you to do delivery. For example, delivering produce, delivering mail, etc would be alright. No problem. You can make some money. What you need to be careful of is your Peach Blossom Calamities. Despite your appearance, there are still people who are attracted to you. Don’t grin that wide, okay? You’re way too happy.

Enquirer: Also, I would like to ask about my health.

Master Lu: Okay. Health. Then let me tell you now. First of all, from now on, can you eat less seafood?

Enquirer: Yes, I can.

Master Lu: Don’t eat live seafood.

Enquirer: Yes, I can.

Master Lu: Okay. Secondly, let me tell you, your blood pressure is a bit high. Do you understand?

Enquirer: I understand.

Master Lu: Thirdly, your heart, the direction of the blood flow is not normal. Why? It’s relatively fast. Your blood flow is relatively fast. That’s why you can easily get agitated and easily lose your temper. Is that correct?

Enquirer: Yes.

Master Lu: Alright.

Enquirer: I would also like to ask about another one, 1970, year of the Dog.

Master Lu: 1970, year of the Dog. Let me have a look. 1970, year of the Dog, male or female?

Enquirer: Female.

Master Lu: Okay. What would like to ask about her? Tell me.

Enquirer: I want to ask about her health.

Master Lu: Let me tell you, this lady is quite capable, and she’s very good at talking. Do you understand?

Enquirer: I understand.

Master Lu: And her relationship with you is not ordinary.

Enquirer: She’s my wife.

Master Lu: And your wife takes control over you. Is that right?

Enquirer: Yes.

Master Lu: Ah. We’re strict for those who are honest, and even stricter for those who rebel. Okay.

Enquirer: How’s her health condition?

Master Lu: For her health, there are two major areas that you need to be careful with. The first one is the cervical vertebra, in the neck area. Also, her digestive system is not good. She often has diarrhoea. Do you understand? Also, lower back is not good. Let me tell you about your wife. In the past… There’s a foreign spirit of a child on her body. Maybe she had an abortion or miscarriage before. Right?

Enquirer: Hm, maybe she had.

Master Lu: Alright. Ask her to be careful. If you can ask your wife to recite the Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching) 7 times per day, the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) 7 times per day, and the Jvala Mahaugra Dharani (Hsiao Tsai Chi Hsiang Shen Chou) 21 times per day, then after a month, you can see if your wife’s condition would improve. Let me tell you, when I cross over people, I don’t just say empty words. After I ask you to perform recitations, and if you do, then at night time all of you would be able to have meaningful dreams. For example, if you’re performing the transferring of merits for your parents, your parents would visit you in your dream. If you‘re performing the transferring of merits for your child, your child would come and visit you in your dream. Alright?

Enquirer: Okay. Master Lu, I would like to ask, 1964, year of the Dragon.

Master Lu: Ah. How many Totems have you asked already? This is the third one. You asked about two already. That’s enough.

Enquirer: How many Little Houses does my wife need?

Master Lu: Your wife? You can recite 17 Little Houses for her. Okay? You can get copies of Little Houses for free at the main entrance. Take more home, and recite mindfully and sincerely.

Enquirer: Okay. Thank you very much.




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